Spreadsheet Template

The spreadsheet template is provided to allow users to create a Map File from the easy and familiar environment of Excel.
The columns can be in any order as long at their heading name remain as depicted in the template. Each row under the headings, depicts a Test Point; rows can have breaks in them as long as the reference fields (Blue) and the TestPoint column (Green) do not have valid data in them.
The columns are colour coded for easy of use and are depicted as follows:
  • Blue columns - Pre-populated with the reference for actual pinouts on the IFD™ TE - these fields can be missing or empty
  • Green columns - Test Point data - mandatory fields and they have to be populated.  TestPoint, Nomen fields must be unique.  Gaps in the TestPoint field is allowed and test point numbers do not have to be sequential or fully populated.
  • Orange columns - GXY fields for data relating to the GXY Graphic - fields are not mandatory, see Definitions and Categories of Test Points for details on dropdowns.
  • Grey columns - Optional extended details on the test point, including the following:
  • Group - Nodal number is an test point's electrical association with other test points, where a Group is a physical association ie same connector, same position in a system, same harness etc
  • Roadmap - is a longer version of Nomen (limited field size).  The Roadmap may include routing information, or system name, location etc.
  • UUT_Connector - is the connector reference.
  • UUT_ConnectorPin - is the pin reference.
  • SignalType - is the name of the signal that the test point can be associated with.  This is normally unique for a given Nodal number, but it can be different for each test point, if required.  Examples are 28v Pos, Gnd, Gyro Data Tx, Sw Gear Return, etc
  • Lime columns - provides the Map File with the Default-Con data for the baseline continuity test. Fields are:
  • ConGold - the gold value in Ohms, likely to theoretical or determined in a maintenance manual.
  • ConTolPlus/ConTolMinus - the tolerances +/- for the ConGold to allow the test point to pass continuity test.
  • ConMethod - Default (sets to First if single sample, sets to average if more than one sample), Average, Mode, Median, Last, Highest, Lowest, First.
  • ConSample - Defaults to 1 if empty.  Otherwise the number of samples needed for this specific test point.
  • ConInterval - The interval between samples in Seconds. Set to 0.001 (and not used) if Sample is set to 1.
  • Brown columns - The interconnection type between the test points,  see Definitions and Categories of Test Points for details on dropdowns.
Once the Template has been completed, save the xls as a 'CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv)' file ready for importing using the method detailed at Import a UUT from csv.
The latest Spreadsheet Template will be issued as part of the NODES™ installer, and will be called IFD_Map-File_Template(Ver2.1.x).xls

Made with help of Dr.Explain