UUT Add/Edit

UUT Add/Edit
Dynamic Filter
1. Dynamic Filter
Using the multi-functional filters as defined by the dropdowns, the User can filter the UUT Summary.  Wildcards {*} can be used in the Description field.  Double-clicking in any of the filter fields clears that specific part of the applied filter.
Sort Buttons
2. Sort Buttons
Each of the fields within the UUT Summary are headed by a sort button.  Clicking on any of these buttons will sorts the field in ascending and descending order on each press. 
For low screen resolutions of less than 1280x1024, only the UUT Description will be shown.
UUT Records
3. UUT Records
The left part of the form summarises the UUT for the current dataset.  The symbol points to the current UUT displayed on the right-hand side of the form.
  • To navigate to a UUT, just single-click in any part of the row and the form will refresh with the details of the UUT displayed on the right-hand side of the form. 
  • To navigate to the Test Point Data for a UUT, double-click in any part of the row for the relevant UUT.
UUT Graphics
4. UUT Graphics
Each UUT has 4 graphics that can be assigned.  All graphic files have to be valid graphic images as either .JPG, .PNG or .BMP file formats.  Double-click on any of the graphics to enlarge them to full size if the screen permits; to save disc space, reduce loading time and maintain resolution, use /PNG where possible.
See UUT Graphics for more details on how graphics are used throughout the testing and reporting process.
Setting Graphics
5. Setting Graphics
Each graphic can be changed by clicking on its associated button.  This will open a Windows dialog which will allow the User to navigate to the desired graphic.  The User must ensure that the graphics are valid graphic images.  The User can select a graphic from anywhere on the system and they will then be given the opportunity to copy the selected graphic to the correct folder with the Folder Structure.
Create UUT Functions
6. Create UUT Functions
Use these buttons to create new UUT to be used within the current dataset.  Follow the links for more information on Create a New UUT, Copy a UUT, Import/Update a UUT.
Record Navigator
7. Record Navigator
Use the standard navigation tool to move, filter or search the UUT recordset.  User defined Dynamic filters can be applied to the dataset at the top of the form.  Any filters that are added using the Record Navigator or using the shortcut menu (right-hand click of the mouse) will be additional to the Dynamic filters applied.
8. Client
Using the dropdown select the Client that the UUT belongs to. The dropdown displays all the Clients held on the system  (which can also be used for Operators too).  If an entry is not in the list,  double-click in the field to display the Client Lookup; you have to be assigned the necessary authorisation to carry out this task.
Long Description
9. Long Description
The MAP Name is limited to 12 characters and so an extended UUT Description (max 40 characters) is available for use in related dropdowns and reports.
Use Alternative Gnds
10. Use Alternative Gnds
In some nodes there are multiple TPs and this can result in having a complex circuit.  In some cases, it may be necessary to assign Alternative grounds to help with fault isolation, see more on different ground assignments Test Points Add/Edit.  To automatically use this assigned Alternative Grounds, check this option (shown unchecked).
Full Description
11. Full Description
A full description on the UUT can be entered and it can be up to 255 characters long.  This description is not currently used anywhere else in NODES™, but used on the UUT Add/Edit form to help the User readily identify the UUT.
Testing Profile
12. Testing Profile
Each UUT might have several testing profiles and there may be a range of UUTs on the selected dataset with similar MAP names for each of these profiles.  Therefore, to keep track of these different testing profiles and also  understand the tests that are being carried out, the User can enter a detailed testing profile for this specific UUT and its associated MAP file name.
Pinout Format
13. Pinout Format
IDFIS™ and VIFD™ test equipment may be delivered with different formats of connector pinouts, and as such the ITAs will have been designed for the same format.  Use the dropdown to select the correct format for the pinout format being used.  The formats are:
  • Original 48-Way : 50-Pin D-Sub connector with pin 17&50 not used.
  • Extended 50-Way : 50-Pin D-Sub  connector using all available pins (currently not available).
  • Virginia Panel : 1280 pin block connector.
By selecting the format, the Test Point Add/Edit summary, and the ITA build reports will show the correct referencing; note that changing the format will not affect the Test Point Data or its configuration.
Baseline GXY Coordinates
14. Baseline GXY Coordinates
Each of the Default GXY graphics have been pre-programmed with GXY coordinates to save time in carrying out adhoc testing.
Select the set of default graphic coordinates to associate with if required.
15. GXY
While the use of this specific graphic is covered under UUT Graphics, the GXY Graphic is the main graphic used throughout the creation of the UUT, the Add/Edit of TPs, all the testing applications and Click&Test™.
It is important that this graphic is a valid .PNG or .BMP file, which is why (because of its criticality) the file format is continually checked throughout to ensure that is has not been corrupted at any stage.  If found to be corrupted, then the default GXY graphic will be loaded; if this happens then repair/replace/redraw the GXY graphic and overwrite the original file in the correct folder as detailed in Folder Structure.  It is highly recommended that the bottom right hand corner (approx 400 wide and 25 high) is kept clear because a time-date stamp is place in this area when the GXY is made into a PDF for reporting results.
Add/Edit Test Points
16. Add/Edit Test Points
Click to Add/Edit Test Points for the current UUT.
Delete Button
17. Delete Button
Click to Delete a UUT, a warning will appear for the User to confirm before the delete is executed.  If the current dataset has results from tests performed using this UUT profile, then the User will not be allowed to delete the selected UUT.
A User has to hold the relevant authorisations to complete this function; see User Add/Edit for more details. 
18. Tests
Click to display the IFD™ Tests form.  From this form, the User will be able to set the testing parameters and run IFD™ test functions for a UUT.  In addition, there is also a facility to simulate the IFD™ hardware, to allow the User to simulate running test functions on a laptop/desktop computer for training or validating a UUT configuration is ready for test.
Review Results
19. Review Results
Click to review all the results data held for the connected dataset.  The Results Review form allows users to navigate all the results for Intermittency, Continuity and Shorts, and filter the results by UUT, Serial No and other User defined parameters.
Exit Button
20. Exit Button
Click to close UUT Add/Edit form.

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