Users Add/Edit

Users Add/Edit
This form allows the Administrator of NODES™ to add and edit User Details.  The default Login and Password is 'Admin'.
Summary of Users
1. Summary of Users
A summary of the Users of NODES™.  Click in any part of the record to display the User's details in the lower part of this form.
Personal Details
2. Personal Details
Enter the User's personal details in the various fields.  The dropdown for the Company Name is populated using the Client Lookup form; double-click in this field to access this form.  The Login Name and Password can only be entered using the Change Login Details button.  Both Login and Password have to contain 5 or more characters. 
Default for the User 'Unknown' is Login: UK1234  &  Password: 123456
Another Default User may be available on some systems called 'Admin Strator'; the default Login: Admin & Password: Admin
3. Authorisations
This function allows the checking of authorisations for each User.  Checking/unchecking the tick boxes extends or limit the selected User's permissions within NODES™ as appropriate.
4. Dates
Start Date for the User is a mandatory field and must be set to a date in the past.  Users cannot be deleted, and so to disable a User's Login to NODES™, enter a Finish Date; this date cannot be in the future.
Add User
5. Add User
Use this button to add a User.  The User logged on has to have the authorisation to Add/Amend User Details.  There are mandatory fields that have to be completed before another User can be added.
Save Record
6. Save Record
Click once to save the User's details after editing.  Exiting the form triggers this operation automatically.
7. Exit
Click to close User Add/Edit form.

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