
Backup Dataset

Backup Dataset
Select Dataset
1. Select Dataset
Use the dropdown to select the required Dataset to backup.
Backup Options
2. Backup Options
Check the options required for backup.  Each option selected will be backed up from the relevant folders from within the NODES™ folder structure.
Backup Folder
3. Backup Folder
Double-click or click the Folder button to open the Windows Select Dialog.  From the dialog, select a suitable folder location for the backup file.
It is highly recommended that the folder location is NOT on the same physical drive as NODES™, and the folder location should be a USB pen drive or removable storage media device that can be stored in a separate location to the CC once the backup has taken place.
ZIP File
4. ZIP File
Check this option to create the backup as a .zip file.
On Finish Options
5. On Finish Options
Check each of the options to:
  • Open Windows Explorer to the folder where the backup was created.
  • Save the folder used to carry out a backup as the default.
  • Close the Backup form or Uncheck this option to leave the Backup form open for further backups to be carried out.
6. Close
Click to Close the Dataset Backup form
Progress Bar
7. Progress Bar
When a Dataset is being backed up, the Progress Bar will show the percentage undertake at any one time.
8. Backup
Once all the relevant backup options have been set and/or selected, press the Backup button to perform the backup.
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