
TP Markers

Colours of Markers
Each TP can be represented on the GXY graphic as a marker.  The markers are coloured to allow the User to identify nodes and nodal grounds.
Blue Markers for TPs on a node
Black for TPs on a nodal ground
A TP is shown as grey for a TP that has been skipped
and as such marked as Blank.
A TP Marker is shown as orange for approx 1.5 seconds
after it has been moved before then changing to its designated colour
Moving a Marker
If a TP marker has not been assigned, then the X,Y coordinates for the marker can be assigned in the TP Add/Edit form manually.  Or move the mouse cursor over the GXY graphic and the cross-hairs will appear.  Simply click on the GXY graphic to assign the TP marker to the selected position (the centre of the cross-hairs will either be the centre of the TP marker or the top-left of the TP marker as defined by the GXY Defaults.
If a TP marker has already been assigned and is visible on the GXY graphic, simply drag and drop the TP marker to the new position.  The TP does not change to orange during this operation.
To drag and drop, left-hand click on the TP marker to reveal the hand cursor
and then hold the mouse button down and move the TP marker to the new position.
Another option is to hover the mouse cursor over the GXY graphic and then press and hold the Ctl key.  This will display the cross-hair cursor and allow the User to reposition the TP marker.  The TP does change to orange after this operation.
The button on the NODES™ Ribbon will move the TP marker back to its original position (Ctl+Z does not work in this mode of editing).
Made with help of Dr.Explain