40 frequencies: 20Hz to 190Hz in 10Hz steps; 200Hz to 1.9kHz in 100Hz steps; 2kHz to 5kHz in 1kHz steps
For more information on incorporating this instrumentation in to your IFD™ TE, then contact your Authorised Distribution.
To avoid possible damage to the IFD™ TE
or the equipment under test, follow these guidelines:
· Do not use this equipment on any “powered” circuits. The IFD™ TE supplies the entire electronic testing stimulus needed. Failure to do so could damage the equipment and void the factory warranty.
· Do not connect the IFD™ TE system to any additional test equipment that produces stimulated High Voltages or Currents that might damage the IFD™ hardware, and this will include insulation tests and it may include some Diode testing; if unsure then contact your Distributor for more information before proceeding.