
Creating a UUT

Unit Under Test (UUT) are the foundation of all the test point data, testing profiles, results data and reports.  Each item that undergoes a test using the IFD™ software requires a UUT; in some cases a UUT may have a number of different testing profiles and methods of being connected to the IFD™ TE.  For this reason there are a number of ways in which a UUT can be created, and they are  as follows:
Ø     Create a New UUT - all data is set at default and a basic UUT can be constructed.
Ø     Copy a UUT - using an existing UUT, use the selected UUT as a template; this includes the test point data.  A facility is provided to copy from another dataset on the same system into the current dataset.
Ø     Import/Update a UUT - using an existing set of testing files, created by text editor or another copy of  NODES™, use the data to create a UUT.
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