
Select UUT & Map Name
1. Select UUT & Map Name
When the form opens the default UUT - Map Name will be set to the current UUT; if the current UUT has been under test and there are still results to be compiled, then the Serial No will be auto-filled using the last Serial No tested.  Other UUTs can be selected by using the Map Name dropdown to select the desired UUT. 
          Clicking on the Pencil button, will open the Test Point Add/Edit form.
Test Parameters
2. Test Parameters
Select to change the settings and parameters for all the testing methods.  These Testing Parameters will be used throughout the various tests carried and are recorded in the associated reports.  If Test Parameters have not been set, then on selecting a test, the User will asked if they wish to automatically set the Test Parameters to the defaults or open the Testing Parameters form so they can be individually set.
Create Test Files
3. Create Test Files
Use this function to create stand-alone Test Files independent from NODES™; see File Creation for more details.
Intermittence Testing
4. Intermittence Testing
Select to carry out Intermittent Fault Detection and Isolation using the Intermittence Testing application for the selected UUT.  The traditional Legacy Intermittence application is only available on request.
Continuity Testing
5. Continuity Testing
Select to perform a Continuity Test on the selected UUT, using CON-Default Test Profile and other continuity Test Profiles as selected.
6. AutoMap™
Select to perform an AutoMap™ of a UUT.
Shorts Testing
7. Shorts Testing
Select to perform a Shorts Test on the selected UUT.
If shorts are found during the Shorts Test, the Trace button will appear in the P2P Testing application. Select to perform a Trace Test on the selected UUT.
Powered By
8. Powered By
The world-leading IFD™ Technology and its associated hardware & processes are powered by Universal Synaptics Corporation.
IFD™ Status
9. IFD™ Status
The status of the IFD™ TE is shown here and it includes the number of Test Points available on the IFD™ TE to carry out testing.  Testing can only be carried out if the IFD™ TE is connected and switched on and the status is showing Green.
The NODES™ can run in Simulated mode (status will show Orange) if no IFD™ TE is available; the number of test point in the UUT will be made available for Simulated mode to operate.  Simulated mode is very useful on an independent computer, to ensure that the UUT and it test points are configured correctly before porting to a real system.
DMM Status
10. DMM Status
Shows the status of the DMM selected by NODES™ to perform automatic and User selected Click&Test™ testing.  The DMM status indication shows Green if there is a valid DMM fitted and connected with a valid serial number indicated.  The panel will show in Orange if the DMM is in simulated mode.  To Refresh the DMM, click on the Refresh DMM button.   To setup the DMM, and its connecting string, double-click on the DMM Status panel.  To setup a new DMM or review a DMM's setting, including finding the device's connections string etc, refer to the NI-Max topic.
SSTDR Status
11. SSTDR Status
The SSTDR Status panel will show in Green if fitted and connected with a valid serial number displayed.  The SSTDR's serial number has to be entered into SPIDER™ in the appropriate field.  If there is no serial number entered or 'None', then the SSTDR will not try and connect, and the SSTDR functions will not be made available.  To run SSTDR functions in simulated mode (status is shown in Orange), then enter a serial number in SPIDER™ that starts with the phase 'Sim'.  To Refresh the SSTDR, click on the Refresh SSTDR button.
Tracker Status
12. Tracker Status
The Tracker Status panel will show in Green if fitted and connected with a valid serial number displayed.  The Tracker's serial number has to be entered into SPIDER™ in the appropriate field.  If there is no serial number entered or 'None', then the Tracker will not try and connect, and the Tracker functions will not be made available.  To run Tracker functions in simulated mode (status is shown in Orange), then enter a serial number in SPIDER™ that start with the phase 'Sim'.  To Refresh the Tracker, click on the Refresh TRACKER button.
Exit Button
13. Exit Button
Click to Exit from the Tests form.
14. GXY
Resolution details of the GXY graphic is displayed on mouse-over for the selected UUT.
LogScope™ Testing
15. LogScope™ Testing
Select this option to open the Point2Point application and display the GXY graphic ready for test point selection.
The test mode will default to Continuity.  Using the GXY, mouse-over the various TPs and select two TP to perform a Click&Test™ for LogScope™.  Other test modes will be made available from the GXY including Diode Testing, and depending on model and options, and may include: SSTDR Testing, Tracker Testing and the ability to connect to an External Instrumentation connector.
SSTDR Testing
16. SSTDR Testing
Select this option to open the Point2Point application and display the GXY graphic ready for test point selection.
The test mode will default to SSTDR.  Using the GXY, mouse-over the various TPs and select two TP to perform a Click&Test™ for SSTDR.  Other test modes will be made available from the GXY including LogScope™ Testing, Diode Testing, and depending on model and options, and may include: Tracker Testing and the ability to connect to an External Instrumentation connector.
If a SSTDR is not fitted, or simulated, this option will not be made available.
Tracker Testing
17. Tracker Testing
Select this option to open the Point2Point application and display the GXY graphic ready for test point selection.
The test mode will default to Tracker.  Using the GXY, mouse-over the various TPs and select two TP to perform a Click&Test™ for Tracker.  Other test modes will be made available from the GXY including LogScope™ Testing, Diode Testing, and depending on model and options, and may include: SSTDR Testing and the ability to connect to an External Instrumentation connector.
If a Tracker is not fitted, or simulated, this option will not be made available.
New P2P Application
18. New P2P Application
Select to use the new P2P application for high resolution GXY graphics and access to the enhanced filtering, selection of test points and instrumentation functionality.  For a limited time, the option to revert back to the legacy P2P Testing is mainly for simple LogScope™ tests for small GXY, usually on VIFD™.

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