Troubleshooting Guide

To avoid possible injury, the User may only perform the User-specific maintenance
activities described in this User Manual.
ALL other maintenance activities must only be performed only by the manufacturer or by an Authorised Dealer. 
 Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage and WILL void the Warranty.
The following list is provided as a basic troubleshooting guide outlining the procedure to be followed in the unlikely event of a problem occurring.  This guidance must be read in conjunction with the relevant sections of this User Manual, and all warnings and cautions must be heeded at all times.  If in doubt about any troubleshooting issue then contact Copernicus Technology Ltd immediately.
Computer fails to power up or display.
Confirm all electrical supplies are switched on and confirm that the Computer power switches are BOTH activated.
System fails to power up.
Check all electrical and interconnections between equipment and peripheral items and re-start the entire power-up procedure from the initial set-up.
System fails pre-use checks.
Restart the Pre-Use system check after first confirming that no switches, connections or software are incorrectly set, connected or configured.
System software fails to display or operate correctly.
Re-check that the display seen is the display expected.  Is the software showing what it is genuinely seeing or asked to display, ie the fault is not with the display but what is being asked of the software? Are the test parameters set incorrectly? Or are any interconnections not secure?
Error messages in the software are displayed.
Confirm that the system is not being asked to carry out a function that it is not enabled or configured for, and that all equipment is connected correctly.
The system suddenly behaves unexpectedly, stops working or slows.
Compare the system connections and set-up with that when it was last working properly.  Has anything changed or been changed? Are there too many other desk-top functions or programmes running simultaneously?
The test results are unusual or continually show a failure when it is not expected.
Confirm that any comparison values set as ‘Gold Standards’ have not been changed and try re-establishing them with a known good item.  Also re-check the system test settings figures.
No IFD™ TE tests will run at all.    
If the IFD™ TE is showing a Orange tile (which depicts that the IFD™ is being simulated), it could be a communications problems and may require a restart.  For rack-mounted systems, check power is switched on for all the Pods in the system.
For WindowsXP: Likely that the Direct I/O is not correctly installed or it has been installed.  From the Direct I/O website, download the latest version of Direct I/O, install and then set up Direct I/O using the settings Direct I/O Settings.
Continuity Tests will not run.
If the affected tests are DMM based, then ensure that the DMM is registered and active when in the NODES™'s Tests page (ie shows a Green tile).
If using NI, then open NI MAX and check the NI DMM is registered and showing as 'Dev1'
Check to see if NI Soft Panel for the DMM is not already running and holding the DMM session away from NODES™.
If using Agilent or Keysight, ensure that the resource names contain the correct IP address for the device connected.  See Agilent or Keysight for more details.
During Intermittency Testing, the test shows that test points are glitching all the time.
Check that there are no external high-power sources or induction devices near the IFD™ TE and/or the UUT; try and eliminate these as far as practical.  Check to see if the Drive and/or Sensitivity are set too high; adjust to a more suitable level.
NODES™ does not display the GXY Graphic.
Likely that the OCX is not correctly installed or it has been uninstalled.  Reinstall using the NODES™ installation package provided by Copernicus Technology Ltd and this will install the latest dll & OCX correctly.
Test Parameters form shows blanks.
Likely that the OCX is not correctly installed or it has been uninstalled.  Reinstall using the NODES™ installation package provided by Copernicus Technology Ltd and this will install the latest dll & OCX correctly.
NODES™ starts but does not show the NODES™ Options and the Ribbon bar flashes.
This issue is probably because MS Access 2010 has not been activated, and it is requesting Activation on a screen that NODES™ will not show.  Start MS Access 2010 separately and Activate the application.
MS Access will not run the macros or enable content.         
This is because NODES™  is not listed in the Trust Centre.  Set the \NODES directory as a Trusted Location in the Trust Center under File - Access Options as detailed at the Microsoft Support website.  Set setting as follows:
  • ActiveX - Enable all controls without restrictions...
  • Macros - Enable all macros...
  • Message Bar - Never show information about blocked content...
These settings assume that the NODES™ Controlling Computer is not connected to the Internet, and that 3rd party software is scanned and checked before being installed for viruses that may take advantage of the settings required.
  If any of the faults listed are still apparent after attempting all relevant solutions, or if that the system is suspected of being damaged either physically or through corrupted software, please Power-down and switch off all equipment and contact Copernicus Technology Ltd for further advice.

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